Furthermore, a 3.7 to 3.0 final drive ratio change would rather 'increase' torque load on the transmission.
Precession caused by fretting can cause fastenings under large torque loads to unscrew themselves.
They found under the heavier torque loads caused by running diesel fuel, that the pins would break also; hence they produced their own killer crank.
The slip ring bearings seized, and the resultant torque load severed the instrumentation standpipe inside the aft rotor shaft.
Aircraft propellers are another application; The governor senses shaft rpm, and adjusts or controls the angle of the blades to vary the torque load on the engine.
In one method the bolt is tightened to a calculated clamp load, usually by applying a measured torque load.
To correct this the flight controller uses more control input to offset any loss of effectiveness, which increases the spanwise torque loads on the aircraft's wing.
This drive precisely angles the blade while withstanding high torque loads.
Most other load types (Variable torque and constant torque loads such as fans, pumps, compressors, conveyors, etc..
It is designed to be flexible, while remaining torsionally strong under high torque loads.