It is unclear whether she does not realize that Dewey is responsible for her current tortured existence, or simply doesn't care.
Misshapen beasts roamed the woods, seeking an end to their tortured existence.
It's a very tortured existence.
But as the Carib retreated from the island in face of the English, even this tortured existence was denied to me.
Friends in the military say he lives a tortured existence in which he is never at ease for fear that he will be recognized and assaulted.
Anything to get away from his tortured existence here.
"The Birth of an Old Woman" depicts a man who lives a tortured existence with a silent, wizened old mother whom he despises.
May that torment you for the rest of your tortured existence.
She looked puzzled, having seen Shade freely end his tortured existence.
Today, however, there was no tortured existence.