Sean squatted in front of him and felt the knots of tortured muscle in Job's leg.
As he let the hot water relieve his tortured muscles, he thought about the trip back.
At last, the tearing pressure eased again and faded to a steady burn of his tortured muscles.
His entire frame aches and his skin burns with cold, but no bones seem broken and his tortured muscles obey him.
Sheer will power had kept him going until finally his tortured muscles and nerves had rebelled.
Ignoring his tortured muscles, he levered her up, dragging himself behind her as his horse strained to pull them the last foot.
The pain of tortured muscles made him gasp.
His tortured muscles begin to uncoil, going slack with exhaustion.
His tortured muscles tightened.
Straightening his tortured back muscles, Roy paused too, enjoyed the moment, and let it go on as long as he could.