Only the passage of time would prove, however, whether or not Dusty's second goal had also been achieved: Skeet's liberation from his tortured past.
They are strong, resilient, and have demonstrated incredible courage in overcoming their tortured past and building a promising future for themselves.
Now Bella must help her lover overcome the wounds of his tortured past and find a future with her...
But to Mr. Maxwell, this piece of grotesquerie "discloses a tortured past within."
Women with tortured pasts were as tempting to him as caviar.
Other analysts attribute the change to the current president, Ricardo Lagos, who has concentrated on reconciling Chile with its tortured past.
Sarah relocated from the UK to Erinsborough as she was "trying to escape a tortured past."
The Cubs came across more like the team that had been freed from its tortured past.
He was the first among American Jewish leaders to encourage Holocaust survivors to give voice to the pain of their tortured past.