Isabel cringed at the tortured sound.
Nevertheless, he gazed skyward and made tortured sounds and didn't respond to my reassuring voice.
A tortured sound of protest came from her throat at the cessation of all contact with him.
From the bathroom he heard Julie make a tortured sound she was finally throwing up.
The fearful screaming of the victims mingled with the tortured sound of the 'tree.'
The tortured sounds were almost a parody of grief, an exaggerated and hysterical sobbing that was the strangest thing Albert had ever heard.
He screamed, a roaring tortured sound dredged from deep within his empty soul.
She woke with the tortured sound of ripped metal flailing against earth and stones.
It wasn't dissimilar to the tortured sounds being made by the ice, except that ice, afterwards, didn't moan.
The tortured sound of tearing steel had told him that the wound was fatal.