Upon waking up, Hammer decides to lie low in the village, but is told by Jacob to do some chores such as milking the cows, building houses and tossing hay.
The whole family takes part - digging, planting, scything meadows, tossing and stacking hay, harvesting corn, sowing wheat.
There were competitions in vegetables, livestock and farm activities like tossing hay; contests in baking, preserving and handicrafts.
The Unicorn was tossing men as you'd toss hay on a fork.
The games are said to be based on activities like tossing hay on farms and throwing tree trunks across moats to storm castles.
For instance, Calvin Coolidge, not known for championing the little guy, once posed for a photograph in which he pretended to toss hay.
Bentol slashed, then ducked and tossed hay into the man's face, cutting down across the man's sword arm as he moved.
(Ages 3 to 5) Short verses tell about the adventures cowboy bunnies might have - roping cows, tossing hay, calling cattle, dancing jigs in the moonlight.
Yet once a month she showed considerable sexual interest in her partner, staring at him intently, tossing hay and sometimes sitting in his lap.
A scrawny man, naked except for a dirty kilt and thong sandals, was tossing hay into an open stall, using a pitchfork with wooden tines to do the job.