The things that get tossed overboard with a 12-year-old self don't seem like much to give up at the time.
The blood will be cleaned away quickly, the body tossed overboard.
All three are tossed overboard and must swim for their lives.
Then there's that couple on the ship who saw the gun tossed overboard.
By then, debris that might have held important evidence had been tossed overboard in the cleanup.
And he said that the young man we had found and tossed overboard was their leader.
They would not be firing at empty barrels tossed overboard.
Others could have been anything from plane parts to ship pieces to objects tossed overboard.
Too many unfortunate Chinese were tossed overboard by the men who brought them.
They see the bodies of two dead small girls being tossed overboard to be eaten by sharks.