The wind had fallen, but the waves were tossing wildly.
The barbarian tossed wildly, Aegis-fang flying from his hands as he futilely tried to drive them into the solid ice.
Back in the Ktashan town the torches were tossing wildly as men ran back out onto the dark plain.
There was an unintelligible protest, and he began to toss wildly.
Balancing himself against the wildly tossing flatboat, he shouted, "Look at 'em go!"
Obi-Wan, meanwhile, is off getting to the bottom of the assassination attempt, which takes him to a strange world covered by wildly tossing seas.
There was no sign of a clearing; no break in those wildly tossing waves of green.
He remembered his little workship tossing wildly in the shock waves, with first one system then another sputtering and dying on him.
From the window of his room, Michael could see a rooftop Christmas tree, its branches tossing wildly in the fierce wind.
Haggard's castle was on fire, tossing wildly in a sudden cold wind.