She paid off the total balance immediately, and if for some reason she couldn't, it haunted her.
The quantum laws are more liberal and allow you to be overdrawn on one or two accounts provided the total balance is positive.
Indeed, the June statements of her various cards showed a cumulative total balance of more than $23,000.
She has stated that she makes the music thinking about the goal of the sounds for the game and its total balance.
Players don't as easily lose total balance if they're hit as with the previous games.
We have to think about the total social balance.
When we purchase anything, the amount is subtracted from our total balance.
At the beginning of a new fiscal year, an additional contribution of $5,000 is made, which brings the total balance to $9,000.
The agency also recognized, he said, that "it is essential to reduce the total balance of the debt and its service."
I'll never forget the bank statement that showed a total balance of £5.34!