On the terrain we found total desolation.
Spirit was all I had left, the only remaining barrier between me and total desolation.
Further down again is a large overgrown area of almost total desolation.
We were stifling our amusement when our medical book friend returned, his anxiety bordering total desolation.
It's called The Bridge to Nowhere and it's about a man in total desolation, totally alone.
I had never seen such darkness, felt such total desolation.
Pasaje Seaver does not follow a narrative, but paints a static picture of total desolation and ruin.
Few armies in history had created such total desolation, and if Nxumalo and his family had not brought food with them, they would have perished.
He felt that his soul was lost in a chaotic maze, plunged into total desolation, as if he were in the deepest pit of hell.
The first and nearest hurried to answer the summons home, and entered a total desolation.