And with 80 to 85 percent of household spending controlled by women, the total retail dollars involved in that change is very high.
Both say that self-determination and job contentment are more important than total dollars.
Beyond total dollars, we need also to look at how we deliver resources.
The firm was ranked first in the country in the previous year for total dollars spent on new health care facilities.
In total dollars, that is an increase from $1,013 a month to $1,254.
"The friends being drafted could be spared the experience by matching the total dollars pledged."
"The total dollars are up, but the number of donors is down."
They found that the number of Congressional candidates to whom a company contributed was much more important than the total dollar amount the companies gave.
In 2002, committees maintained by such officials raised about a third of the total dollars for the groups.
The Hartford grant has been reduced the most in total dollars.