Later operations on the Garigliano against Ludovico II of Saluzzo were very similar, and led to the total expulsion of the French from the Kingdom of Naples.
Moreover, Hungary, unlike other countries, had never demanded a total expulsion of her Germans and did not start to expel the German speaking population after the end of the war.
Mason counseled Israeli leaders to consider the total expulsion of Palestinians from Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza Strip.
In 1886, Arcata expelled its Chinese population and enacted the following resolution: "We, the citizens of Arcata and vicinity, wish the total expulsion of the Chinese from our midst.
Attacking Palestinian clubs, coffeehouses, meeting places, etc.' Plan Dalet (Plan D) called for the systematic and total expulsion of Palestinians from their homeland.
However, the Reconquista did not result in the total expulsion of Muslims from Spain, since they, along with Jews, were tolerated by the ruling Christian elite.
He argues that although 'it still described, as before, the total expulsion and destruction of a village, it could now also represent other activities, such as selective search and expulsion operations'.
The previous inhabitants were said to have "lost their land", but this could mean either a total expulsion of the existing population, or merely a replacement of the land-owning class.
After the expulsion of the Bosniak population by means of terror, the next step was to prepare the total expulsion of the inhabitants with the support of administrative measures.
This was done through means of cleansing and harassing eventually leading to a total expulsion from their homeland.