Over the next 12 years the total fell to approximately 800.
But the total fell steadily for the most part, reaching a low of 266 in 1997 before rising to 302 last year.
The total still falls below the record year of 1992, when there were 9,622 bank robberies.
Within half an hour a total of 14 buildings fell victim to the blaze.
By 1932 the total had fallen to 6,000 members.
This continued several times before a total of four chairs fell.
The total fell 1.5 percent from 1992, a slower decline than in previous years.
The total of convention delegates fell to 2,453,000 from 2,896,000 in 1990.
In 1989-90, however, his totals fell to 15 goals and 48 points.
This was the first time since 1989 that the total has fallen under four million.