Why not sell the total fantasy that the Hamptons are, in fact, a separate country?
Anna certainly hadn't ever expected she'd end up on a world she once would have regarded as a total fantasy.
"It was the most theatrical place I had ever seen, a total fantasy, and Marguerite lived there."
The city, Miralda said, is "a total fantasy, strange, wild, therefore logical."
'Armageddon' is like a total fantasy for a 15-year-old.
Of course, a lot of it was total fantasy befitting an animated film.
As for what he wrote and said during the undercover operation, he was adamant that it was total fantasy, nothing more.
Moreover, the films are total fantasies.
The definition of 'bringing the force into disrepute' can mean anything they want it to mean and free speech is a total fantasy.
In manic overdrive, the hyperkinetic style eventually sends the story swerving off into total fantasy.