Nobody operates with total impunity, everyone worries about a paper or electronic trail that may one day bring them in front of a congressional committee.
Plus all the policy and guidance in the world wont stop this if staff feel they can act with total impunity.
They are delinquents who abuse their power to steal with total impunity.
It criticized the state of total impunity whereby no suspects are ever brought to trial or convicted.
Why do they all seem to believe they can insult me with total impunity?
As for the torturers, they continue their ruthless acts with total impunity.
A significant part of Europe's forest heritage cannot be destroyed year upon year with total impunity.
This conflict is one which is marked by a culture of total impunity.
Today, systematic and widespread use is made of this weapon in peaceful areas, and always with total impunity.
In fact, due to my bronze skin I could move about the mortal world with total impunity.