Thompson was shocked to discover the total indebtedness of the Navy to be in excess of seven million dollars, and he quickly slashed expenditures across the board by fifty percent.
Co-op shareholders are not entirely deprived of control over the total tax-deductible indebtedness they can incur.
These proportions may be varied by regulations but they obviously have the overall effect of reducing the total indebtedness of local authorities.
Thus, the total indebtedness on this house, mortgage and equity loan, could not exceed $160,000, and the largest loan available would be $40,000.
That would result in a total indebtedness of $250,000 on the $200,000 property.
By definition, Mr. Gumbinger explained, a 125 percent loan results in "negative equity" because the total indebtedness exceeds the market value of the property.
By robbing Peter to pay Paul, the total indebtedness of the Government - including interest payments - would not be reduced.
But the state's debt has ballooned since Mr. Pataki took office in 1995, when the total indebtedness totaled $28.2 billion.
But the committee felt your total indebtedness was already too high, given your present income.
Last fall's bond offering left the company with $216.3 million of total indebtedness and $141 million of shareholders' equity.