The total of refugees who have fled Rwanda is now estimated to be 2.1 million.
From the conversation of military control room and army unit 88, a total of 300 students death was estimated.
Across Britain, the total is estimated to be more than 4,500 - a threefold increase since 2004/05.
By the end of the day, a total of 50 people were estimated to have died since the January protests began.
That total is estimated to be $1.5 billion for the 2008-9 fiscal year.
However, an overall total of £87.4m per annum can be estimated by using a variety of sources.
The total of population is estimated to be as high as 80,000.
A total of 156,000 livres is estimated to have been spent over the years.
The total of Jacobite casualties during the battle has been estimated at about 1,500-2,000 killed or wounded.
The total for 2002 was estimated at $36.4 billion.