BankAmerica's total loans to developing nations are estimated at about $8 billion.
To meet tuition payments and other expenses, total loans of the student body each year now exceed $4,000,000.
However, the total overdue loans, even with a smaller number of countries, is a record.
This is normally based on funding more than 1 million in total loans per month.
This means that they can get a court order to make you repay the total loan in a single payment.
Fourteen percent of banking's total loans outstanding are in real estate.
So the $231 million is less than 1 percent of the company's total loans.
After four years, the total loans and grants is actually $1.9 billion.
There must be an increase in the future Member States' share of the total loans.
When the house is done, the total loan will be $1.2 million.