Photography was seen early on as a way to stave off the threat of total worldly obliteration.
In other words, only the younger vampire had left their bones; the ancient ones had suffered total obliteration.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
To jump there quite frequently meant not only death, but total obliteration as well.
Type I and II show total obliteration of the pulp chamber.
While hiding one's identity is inherently stressful, for Hoffman it signifies total obliteration.
The sun, fire... One must aim for total obliteration.
Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration.
After all, the very name "Hiroshima" has become a modern metaphor, the ultimate symbol of total obliteration.
For a start, they had no real connection with the farm people other than a mutual interest in wanting to save the human race from total obliteration.