A total of 59 Americans were killed and 2,837 were taken as prisoners of war.
A total of 14.067 million Americans watched the episode live or within seven days; this number was factored into the season's average.
The episodes were watched by a total of 22.50 million Americans.
The episode was viewed by a total of 12.7 million Americans, down 0.20% from the previous episode.
With today's release, Iraq has freed a total of 21 Americans.
Nearly all of the 200 camp followers were slaughtered, for a total of 832 Americans killed.
Since March, when a total of 31 Americans died, military fatalities have been much higher.
That adds up to a total of 90.5 million obese Americans.
A total of 49,496 Americans from 15 to 24 committed suicide in the 1970's.
A total of 58,135 Americans died in the war.