According to the 2001 census the current population is 1,929 with a total of 775 households in the parish.
There were a total of 215,265 households in the city.
The 1836 census showed a total of 14 households had taken up residence here at this time.
Its population is about 1,000 with a total of 153 households.
There is a total of 9 households which has no car or van available.
There are a total of 13,796 households and 11,408 families.
There were a total of 83 households and 17 business establishments.
There were a total of 8,156 households and 5,982 families in the county in 2010.
In 1995 the population was 4,114 people, with a total of 1,557 households.
There are a total of 22,428 households with a population of 148,137.