A total of 1495 missions and 2522 sorties were flown.
A total of 4,124 sorties were flown by the 99 F-14s in theater.
During the campaign, a total of 3515 sorties were flown against 338 individual targets.
A total of 440 sorties were flown on 25 May 1944.
Flying more than 3,200 hours with 142 support personnel and ten aircraft for a grand total of 790 sorties.
In one calendar year alone the squadron flew a total of 1,691 sorties.
The unit flew 6 missions for a total of 58 sorties.
In May, 23 missions for a total of 198 sorties were flown.
The squadron flew 5 missions for a total of 46 sorties.
A total of 204 sorties and 245 hours were flown in this operation.