The company added more than 1,400 employees in the quarter, for a total of nearly 9,400 workers on Sept. 30.
In 2009, they employed a total of 2,000 civilian federal workers.
A total of 1,383 workers died during the construction.
A total of 224 workers were laid off or transferred.
A fourth plant was born, for a total of 450 workers.
A total of 586 workers were expelled from the company, including union leaders.
The two companies employ a total of 99,450 workers worldwide.
It was built in 2008 involving a total of 1,876 workers and a combined 636,000 man hours.
A total of 22 552 workers were followed up on an average of 18.6 years.
We have a total of seven workers, five full-time and two part-time.