The Hillary image wasn't working, but it didn't need a total overhaul.
But it remains to be seen whether that is enough for the new management, which has committed itself to a total overhaul of Rockefeller Center.
Almost 9 of 10 people surveyed see a need for fundamental changes in fund-raising procedures, or even a total overhaul.
Let's say you own a whaling ship that needs a total overhaul.
But one continuing show is about to undergo a total overhaul as well, and it isn't the first time.
If found serviceable, it could be only flown another 7 hours before a total overhaul was necessary.
Mr. Cruso, who headed the search committee, said last year that the organization needed "a total overhaul."
According to them, the house needs a total overhaul.
The campus underwent major renovations in 2005 that added several wings and a total overhaul of the athletic complex.
Nevertheless, my recommendation is that you undergo a total overhaul.