In February, there are seven rainy days on average, with a total precipitation of 1.3 inches.
The total precipitation was only a few thousandths of a millimeter.
The average total annual precipitation is 832 millimetres (32.76 in).
During that period, about 17% of Kutno's total yearly precipitation falls on the city.
The total precipitation is below the average for the country, about 532 l/м2.
If the vegetation has a summer growing season, it often experiences water stress, even though the total precipitation throughout the year may be moderate.
The annual total precipitation is about 820mm (32 inches).
Winter is the driest season, averaging about 6 inches of total precipitation.
Temperatures will increase and the total annual precipitation is likely to decrease, however with a fair share of uncertainty.
The total annual precipitation might decrease, but there is a significant share of uncertainty.