The movie has received 139 reviews on Rotten Tomatoes, 119 positive and 20 negative, giving it a positive total rating of 86%.
He gave the show a total rating of 4/10.
The four broadcast networks, meanwhile, fell to a 40.5 total rating this year from a 43.5 rating last fall, a 6.9 percent decline.
The reception of Judgment was negative, holding a total rating of 49% on Metacritic.
Ratings are based on the average of the total ratings for Australian mainland capital cities.
The site gave it a total rating of 24/30.
Metacritic gave the album a total rating of 79/100, based on four critical reviews.
It has 60 turbines with a total rating of 138 megawatts.
Episode eleven aired on January 19, 2010, and gathered a total rating of 188,000 viewers.
If our algorithm finds that you are an experts in a specific field your vote will have a larger part in the total rating.