At length, however, the campaign was terminated by a total rout, in which the royal camp fell into the hands of the enemy.
Its total rout was prevented by a cease-fire brokered by Washington.
Now only the flame-thrower stood between them and total rout.
It was a total rout of Aelle's arrogant horde.
This is welcome news, of course, but Gloddruth goes on to say that he counts the battle a total rout.
Nevertheless, poor Iraqi training saved the Iranians from a total rout.
The result was a total rout and slaughter of the locals.
But that does not mean Syria is seeking a total rout of the Iraqis.
Some battalions of the Guard held firm, but then they too had to join the total rout.
The battle might not have been such a total rout of the Samnites as Livy describes.