Together with the 25% reserved military bloc, former regime officials control over 80% of the total seats in both national parliaments.
An additional 10% of the total seats are given to lateral entry students in every discipline.
This election featured 12 new state seats increasing the total seats from 48 to 60.
The party increased its total seats to 60 and became the Official Opposition.
The total daily seats will jump from 2,672 to 6,384.
Efforts are made to ensure that one-third of the total seats are filled up by girls.
It is then (theoretically) possible that more of a party's candidates achieve this quota than the total seats won by the party.
Out of the total seats, 15% seats are for the management quota.
The block made up 44.8% of total seats.
It was also the only election in Canadian history where fewer total seats were contested compared to the previous vote (264 instead of 265).