Three extensions totaling 7.5 miles opened in late 1997 at a cost of $106 million.
It was run over 3 laps of the 92.473 mile circuit, totaling 277.42 miles.
The systems totals 4.4 miles with 22 stations at roughly every two blocks in the greater Downtown area.
"I've been training primarily for the worlds," Flanagan, whose workouts total about 40 miles a week, said.
The crew that is on the train can unload all of the equipment cars totaling more than a miles worth in about 18 hours.
Its hallways totaled more than three miles (5 kilometers) in length.
To date, 61 segments totaling 650 miles are complete, half on former rail beds.
Work on the three-tunnel project, which will total 91 miles, passed the 63-mile mark this weekend.
"Training progress should reach four workouts a week totaling 25 miles," she said.
A typical week's training for a 13-year-old likely to win a place in the County team totals less than nine miles.