The increased interest brings the subsidiary's total stake in Neue Transvac to 47.5 percent.
Kroenke went on to buy further shares in the club, taking his total stake up to 12.19%.
With the options, the agency's total stake is about 68 percent.
Foreign firms were eligible to 49% of the total stake.
Vengeance of Rain's total stakes are over $7.9 million which rated in top 10 of the world.
"The total stake in new technology between the two is awesome," he said.
He says his total stake is now worth $300,000.
That raised its total stake to 3.2 million shares, or 80 percent, of the stock outstanding.
He later invested more money in the partnership, eventually bringing his total stake to $606,302, or 1.8 percent of the team.
Berkshire's total stake would weigh 4,447.2 tons, or the equivalent of more than 73 M1 tanks.