Leading the pack are the Rigorists, evidently inspired by Stalin's dream of total subjugation of the individual to the collective will.
A second later it was gone, replaced by a look of total subjugation and helplessness.
On 1st September 1939 Germany invaded, bringing a reign of terror that would eventually lead to the total subjugation of the Polish people.
By extension, the term "Carthaginian Peace" can refer to any brutal peace treaty demanding total subjugation of the defeated side.
Small wet tears formed in the corners of his eyes as he watched his bride's total subjugation to the dwarf.
Some present the issue of Europe as in or out, empty chair or total subjugation.
By 1295 it was clear that Edward was on a course for total subjugation of Scotland.
The Masters want total control of Ryetelth, and the total subjugation of all its peoples.
This conviction and affiliation led to their ultimate near destruction and total subjugation by Rome.
The Taliban, a group that favors brutal public executions and the total subjugation of women, cannot be allowed to return to power.