If a team is totally annihilated, they can still win by having scored more points.
After six days of bloody battle, the city was totally annihilated.
Designed to serve humans, you had come close to permitting them to be totally annihilated.
On the next day, a final assault totally annihilated the remaining Hungarian army.
After six days of the bloody battle, the city was totally annihilated, and never restored to its former glory.
The party and the Union were totally annihilated during the election of 2012, where they did not obtained any relevant result by the electors.
The old boy totally annihilated the concept of nostalgia.
Entire units were totally annihilated, Spanish bodies covering large extensions of the field.
With the exception of a few gunboats, the Spanish fleet had been totally annihilated.
But the completion of the victory is made possible by Joshua's commanding the sun to stand still until the enemies are totally annihilated.