"I was in a hurry to find out whether I was totally destitute, or merely bankrupt."
How could you do otherwise, being totally destitute of the sympathies with which he overflows!
We will see a blossoming of the totally destitute - women and children with nothing, no food, no place to live.
Quietly he said, "I would not leave any man totally destitute.
As Mr. Godwin truly observes of a more famous saying, of some merit as a popular maxim, but totally destitute of philosophical accuracy.
He went on to say: "I'm totally destitute and broke.
He boarded a ship bound for the United States and on the voyage was robbed of his remaining worldly goods and arrived in Philadelphia totally destitute.
Christensen was a Canadian citizen, and after serving her prison sentence, she was without transportation, homeless and totally destitute.
"Why should one sacrifice the future of the world - why should one even sacrifice one's own future - because one's mother is totally destitute of imagination?"
She died totally destitute through no fault of her own just like the Wolf brothers-innocent victims of the world tragedy of the First World War.