Trouble is, this story also has to go through the motions of a totally familiar monster plot.
Terry Pratchett things that are totally familiar, he hadn't really looked at it for years.
The driver's voice was raspy, and though he spoke Common, the words came to him slowly, as if the language were not totally familiar.
Being totally familiar with this stuff, I hurry him along.
In addition, the appearance of this art was totally familiar.
The only thing on the bed was an ethereally white, totally familiar lump with its back turned to me.
As in the case with many things that are totally familiar, he hadn't really looked at it for years.
People and situations seem totally familiar, as does the setting.
And in the crisis, they needed people totally familiar with the American technology they had stolen.
Now, for the first time in days, Darian found himself on totally familiar ground.