Jo Shoesmith, an American attorney and animal rights activist, says Newkirk's account of "Valerie" is not only fictionalized, as Newkirk acknowledges, but totally fictitious.
The capper then gives the car owner the names of two 'passengers' - totally fictitious - who 'ride' with the owner.
Representations that fetuses are living, conscious, feeling pain, wiggling, kicking or trying to escape are totally fictitious.
And totally fictitious, I was inclined to think.
Societies create their own history and tend to wipe out lowly beginnings, either by forgetting them or inventing totally fictitious heroic rescues.
The Boyar duma members have names of real people, one exception being Sitsky, a totally fictitious part.
Last week the Minister of International Trade and Industry, Hiroshi Kumagai, volunteered at a lunch with foreign correspondents that Japan's famously low unemployment rates, which always seem to range around 2.3 percent, are totally fictitious.
"After all," he said, "we didn't want to come up with something totally fictitious."
The scene depicts Schindler's moral awakening, but Mr. Crowe called it "totally fictitious."
The alibi-ya provide name cards, pay stubs and an impressive position in a decent line of work - all totally fictitious.