Mr. Khan wanted to keep the administration totally neutral.
"An even more idealistic hope is the establishment of a constitutional court that would be totally neutral and separate from the Congress."
Portugal was totally neutral in the affair, he insisted.
These packets are totally neutral and don't affect the stream.
In fact, Eco has stated that his intention was to find a "totally neutral title".
My friend here is an Arend, so he's totally neutral in this matter.
By mid season his play started to flounder, with him being totally neutral during many games.
"I've got to operate this conference for the next two years and the only way I can do that is to be totally neutral."
"The last several years, our coaches have really expressed to us that they'd like to move to totally neutral sites in women's basketball," Southard said.
My conflict, doctor, is not that I'm a journalist who is supposed to be totally neutral.