Nevertheless, a totally one-sided match had a deceptively close scoreline that temporarily upset Scotland and caused them to look confused as half time arrived.
Kirk saw little flurries of betting and bookmaking in the background and was pleased to see that the odds weren't totally one-sided.
Leeds were all over them though and it was totally one-sided.
These four pages are totally one-sided.
"The score is totally one-sided," President Bush asserted at a press conference six days later.
Even after the war, the Pentagon continued to promote a "totally one-sided" air victory.
Keep in mind that if your offer is totally one-sided, it won't be accepted, just like in any type of negotiation.
The blood oath was not totally one-sided, for a vassal was owed protection by his liege.
That the benefits of liver transplantation seem totally one-sided raises questions about whether a donor is giving informed consent.
It was not totally one-sided, as they gratefully received some marketing and guest handling advice from me.