"The more conservative folks wouldn't touch it with a 10-foot pole."
"No promoter in their right mind would touch that site with a 10-foot pole."
"The big foundations won't touch us with a 10-foot pole," he says.
Neither side in the debate wants to touch it with a 10-foot pole.
But they get rid of people we can't touch with a 10-foot pole.
"I'm not going to touch that one with a 10-foot pole," he said.
The Republicans don't want to impeach and wouldn't touch it with a 10-foot political pole.
The children especially are so dirty you wouldn't want to touch them with a ten-foot pole.
The official said he wouldn't touch the idea with a 10-foot pole.
Not surprisingly, the first jobs that come their way are those no one else would touch with a 10-foot pole.