So the inquiry is less a gossipy digression than a deeply touching account of transformation in the face of tragedy.
Diogo Gomes gives a touching account of the last illness and death of Prince Henry.
Richard Schickel called this "by far the fullest, fairest and finally most touching account of this sad, solipsistic life."
Mrs Pouncey's introduction merits special mention for its touching account of her immensely rewarding marriage and her involvement in her husband's career.
A touching account of how the family rallied to furnish a doll's house for her is given in Dilys in the Christmas Garden.
The Muslim News called it an "open, honest and touching account".
This is by far the fullest, fairest and finally most touching account of this sad, solipsistic life that we have yet had.
Ninde and Gold-Eye's growing relationship throughout the story is a touching account of love against adversity.