This modest, touching film, which opens today in selected cities, accomplishes a similar sleight of hand.
The brave, straightforward way she faces the scenes of her childhood horrors is the emotional center of this small but touching film.
It is a very touching film.
In yet another story of a character who radically redefines himself, he made the most touching and quietly eloquent film of the year.
Highland soundbites A touching film about the islanders of Eriskay.
In a funny and touching film, an earnest young woman with a social conscience falls for a philandering musician in a male-dominated small town.
Light Decision is a touching film about knife crime in London.
Dotty is a touching film centered around an unlikely friendship that highlights the beauty in friendships that cross a generation gap.
At the heart of this delirious, ingenious, often very funny and strangely touching film is a larger riddle still.