In the West Village, a touching memorial had sprung up just across the street on the wall of the now abandoned St. Vincent's hospital.
At the end of 1854 his beloved sister Elizabeth died and he wrote a touching memorial.
Is it a touching memorial?
As the accompanying photo shows, the imposing yet touching memorial is certainly worth a look if passing.
That this whimsical tableau works as a touching 9/11 memorial might seem unlikely, but it gets at the childlike feelings of helplessness and grief that so many experienced.
Arvo Part's "Cantus," a touching memorial to Britten, filled out the program.
You'll notice a touching memorial to Jim Regan, a volunteer SES rescuer who died on 3 April 2004 rescuing a couple of backpackers here.
There is now a touching memorial at the metro entrance, with a bronze rose for each of the people who died.
To the Editor: Your continuing "Portraits of Grief" series is a touching memorial to those who died on Sept. 11.
There is also a touching memorial to a former priest, John English, who was imprisoned by the Puritans.