This is a touching passage, although the imagery makes it hard not to hear "imprismed" as "imprisoned," and there is a clue to the limits of Siegel's criticism here.
There is a touching passage describing his first, tearful meeting with his "lost" daughter, Barbara, when she was 35.
Still the book's more touching passages involve the people in Mr. Jerome's life - his father, stepfather, mother, wife and son.
But the most touching passage is that which describes the blessed effects of liberty; it might make a patriot of any man whose heart was not wholly closed against his humbler fellow-creatures.
It's one of the most touching passages in the book because Holden is talking about a rarity in his life- someone he believes was truly good.
Mother love trumps filial love, and, in one of the book's most touching passages, the theme is inverted and finely reprised.
In the book's one touching passage, recounting her young daughter's death by leukemia in the 1950's, Mrs. Bush concludes, "Financially, we were very lucky, as our insurance covered almost everything."
Baronova's most touching passages tell of the way ballet then took hold of her family's life.
MACBETH: LINES 192-240 Macduff's reaction to the news is the most touching passage in the play for many readers.
In another touching passage, she records how a matriarch and her daughter tried on one occasion to keep a fatally wounded relative from dying.