Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
"I am sure their stories so touchingly told in your report will attract much special attention."
The women in particular, more adventurous than the men, are touchingly lost.
But at his best he was touchingly strange, and a model of integrity.
You write touchingly to me about our common intellectual interests.
Something is touchingly wrong and terribly right about the Pope family.
He seems touchingly concerned about the spiritual education of his viewers.
She asks him quite touchingly whether he had seen her loved one anywhere.
At best, they can be made to seem less false, but she continues to ring touchingly true.
He remembers a lost love, most touchingly in mundane details.
Yet the story is touchingly simple, involving only three solo characters.
He is also the book's most touchingly lost soul.
First she turns in a touchingly real performance, the best of her big-screen career.
He could not forget how touchingly fragile and confused she had seemed.
That's too bad, because it's a serious, if touchingly earnest, attempt to deal with a real problem.
She took me in hand, touchingly determined to show me the city.
Kate had been touchingly happy to be with them.
A touchingly endearing album with more heart than you'd expect.
Then, very touchingly, she thanked Hans and myself for all we had done to save her.
Many others are touchingly sad portraits of her sister, Jeanne.
Touchingly, it was mainly women who did this work.
Some of the developments seen here are touchingly positive.
We need better evidence to support her memories, which at times seems touchingly self-deluded.
Touchingly, the actor's final move is a tentative turn toward the door to answer yet one more knock.
Mr. Black's presence, on the other hand, is touchingly real.
He also writes touchingly about family, his children and his travels around the country.