Where in the art world these images of people in trouble should be seen is a touchy issue.
Social distinctions within the military were already a touchy issue, without the situation being made any worse.
A touchy issue involving industry, jobs and the environment, it drew a few headlines but little national interest.
It's a touchy issue for obvious reasons at a time like this.
What's your opinion on this touchy and very important issue?
What better way to hold shareholders at bay than to ask the legislature to limit their voice on executive pay and other touchy issues?
It was a touchy issue for all the parties.
If someone you love is overweight, it can be a touchy issue, but there are some ways to approach the weight topic.
By unanimous consent, debate on the touchy issue was limited to 10 minutes.
Information - how much of it diners want or need - is a touchy issue.