"It's a real touchy thing," says Monique Caruth, the research manager for the report.
Now we control other people's lives and that's a very touchy thing.
"It's a touchy thing for both of you," says Kirschner, "but talking about it is a plus."
It's a touchy thing," he said, "because some people can get offended if you tell them to take a breather.
Gabriel has had to rebuild the touchy thing twice so far.
I don't think London realises just how touchy things were even before the shooting at the Abbey.
A. No, it's very touchy and ticklish thing.
You have to understand, it's a touchy thing ethically, Web.
Battle magic was a touchy thing; most wizardries melted in the heat of combat.
It's most annoying, sir, but Gander's very touchy about these things.