A tough, but good-hearted businesswoman, Mercedes shows a tender side at home with Live.
Carol marvelled at how easily she was playing the role of the tough businesswoman she was supposed to be.
She also became a tough businesswoman, facing down strikers and disgruntled politicians with a calm, quiet demeanor.
Rosemary has been portrayed as a tough businesswoman who runs the Daniels Corporation.
Ms. Peña described the victim as friendly but also as a tough and frequently ill-tempered businesswoman.
She was a smart, tough businesswoman," he said, "and she might have made the same decision.
She espouses the views of both - a tough businesswoman who is a supporter of labor unions.
On the show, Pamela was portrayed as a tough, no-nonsense businesswoman.
I had always known Helen could be a tough businesswoman," he said, "but the realization that she had turned on me was shocking.
I didn't realize I'd married a tough businesswoman.