His response was to try and impose tough discipline and demand greater results at the same time.
They operate on the theory that rugged conditions and tough discipline can break antisocial behavior or even criminal habits.
Openness is a tough discipline but essential to the development of trust.
This kind of tough discipline is an attraction for many exasperated parents.
Students left the current program because they or the school's staff determined that they could not handle the academic work and tough discipline.
From lessons in motherly love to tough discipline to bribery tactics, she asks what's the best approach when it comes to bringing up children.
But he said tough and highly visible discipline is an essential part of the reform movement.
They have had their own misconduct problems, but in response, Commissioner Ward has earned a reputation for tough discipline.
Some people who don't like tough discipline will go work at other places.
The combination of rising wages and tough discipline worked wonders on the work force.