For many of the younger employees on Wall Street the changes have been a tough lesson.
In other words, the nation's biggest law firms are learning a tough lesson about a downside of the new economy.
It is a tough and frustrating lesson initially, but the dog will catch on.
But the toughest lesson for many of the students and their families is learning to accept deafness.
But finally you have to learn the tough lesson that very few people make money on election books.
A few weeks from now, Smith will give them one of their toughest lessons in the gaps between first world and third.
"They've had some tough lessons, but I have no doubt they will give me a terrific effort in the next game."
There, he went 42-26 over six seasons and learned a tough lesson: the game is a business.
He just had to learn a tough lesson that most people are lucky enough to miss.
The Spurs provided one tough lesson after another about what it takes to get to the top.