Robert Hornak, a political consultant, took this opportunity to bring home the tough realities of the political life.
Public television executives are meeting these tough realities with mixed emotions.
For some children, books that reflect tough realities may be helpful.
Such jockeying is taking place amid some tough political realities, said a spokesman for the governor and others close to the negotiations.
We've come to deeply understand that over the last year, and that has been one of the toughest realities for us to deal with.
Although their comments tend to be a bit fuzzy and familiar, the tough realities and hard choices come through.
This is a response to a tough reality: the continuing decline in the ranks of priests, nuns and brothers.
It's also artful, often movingly so, but never at the expense of tough reality.
I give Bill Clinton credit for taking on a very tough political reality.
The Islamic party never had to face "the tough realities of participatory democracy," he said.