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The law provided for dealing toughly with anyone using the local language.
I agree that it is also right to get tough and speak toughly with Russia.
When be spoke, it was with toughly won assurance.
But the work remained a little too toughly impenetrable.
The newspaper issued a toughly worded editorial against the war.
He was a small man, but toughly built.
Looking down a long and badly illuminated corridor of toughly carved stone.
The elder man was barely taller than Alanna and toughly built.
As he expected, it was toughly soft like a vegetable, not hard like wood.
The package is yet to be approved by the member states and will be toughly negotiated.
Ruby smiled toughly and leaned back, tapping her head.
We test all opinion toughly but fairly and we let the audience make up their own minds."
And they took it out on young Metellus, not cruelly, just toughly.
These criminal practices cannot be combated toughly enough.
He was a toughly built, compact man in his middle fifties who beamed at her out of dark-brown eyes.
He looked younger than in his mug shots, but he had the same toughly handsome face and thick black hair.
"That ought to cover it," she said toughly.
Whether you bash toughly or press out languorously is largely a matter of temperament; this I also like about baking.
He said the government would fight back "tenaciously and toughly, no matter how these people try to defend themselves, by blackmail and other means."
Still, we don't grade all that toughly.
It was a toughly contested election.
The vehicle is otherwise toughly built.
"Such violence should be faced toughly."
Canada says the dwindling stocks must be protected by toughly enforced international conservation measures beyond territorial waters.
I note that Mrs Villiers urges us to apply competition law toughly.